Platelet Rich Plasma for Joints and Soft Tissue Conditions

Sore Joints? Cannot move as fast or as flexible? The we might have the perfect solution for you!


Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is an exciting new treatment designed to help the healing and regeneration of soft tissues such as tendons, ligaments and joint cartilage.

PRP was used as early as 1990 in maxillofacial, plastic surgery and cosmetic medicine and sports medicine.

To fully understand the benefits of PRP therapy, it is worthwhile to have some knowledge of basic science about tendon and ligament injuries. Tendons and ligaments are made up of fibres of collagen. When these fibres are sprained and torn during injuries an immediate healing reaction is triggered off. Blood flow to the area that carries platelets and growth factors enable creation of new collagen fibres. The fibres will eventually regain their correct flexibility.

Sometimes the healing process is faulty and insufficient. This is where PRP therapy helps.

Platelet activation prepared by PRP method plays a keyhole in the process of wound, soft tissues and cartilage healing.

PRP is made from patient's own blood. After centrifugation, Plasma Rich in platelets is then drawn. The product is injected into a specific area of damaged tendons, joints and wounds.


Several studies showed improved function and decreased pain in various orthopaedic conditions as osteoarthritis of knees, hips, Achilles tendon injury etc.



Treatment may need to the repeated

There may be some minor post procedure discomfort for up to three days


What can PRP improve?

Tendonitis (Achilles tendon, Golfer's elbow, Tennis elbow)

Torn, Sprained muscles, tendons

Rotator cuff injury (shoulder)

Osteoarthritis of knees, shoulders, small joints (PRP shows positive effect on cartilage repair)  


After the procedure, rest for a few days followed by gentle stretching is all that is needed after the procedure.

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